
Outsourcing Accounting Services Can Benefit Australian SMEs. Find Out How in Our Latest Post!

Key Takeaways
This blog post explores how Australian SMEs can leverage outsourcing accounting services to achieve significant advantages. Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • Discover the rising importance of outsourcing accounting services for Australian SMEs.
  • Explore the key benefits of outsourcing, such as cost savings, expertise, and improved financial management.
  • Understand the signs indicating when it’s time for your business to consider outsourcing.
  • Gain practical tips for successful outsourcing to enhance efficiency and mitigate risks.

Managing a business is not a piece of cake in Australia; you continuously confront business obstacles.

You have a lot on your plate, from finding and maintaining customers to complying with rules, managing finances, and creating a healthy work environment for your employees.

The struggle doesn’t end here; you have to balance your books, maintain all your transactions, file your taxes on time, and manage your payroll and cash flow for smooth business operations.

As Dave Ramsey also stated, “Ignoring your accounting and bookkeeping is like driving your car without looking at the dashboard – you might eventually crash and burn.”

All accounting compliance seems a nightmare for businesses. That’s why many businesses in Australia are adopting OUTSOURCING ACCOUNTING SERVICES these days.

Why Is Outsourcing Accounting Services a Growing Trend in Big Australian Cities?

It is absolutely correct that Australian businesses are embracing outsourcing; it’s an important trend to comprehend.

There are many reasons that many big cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide are accepting outsourcing accounting services these days:

1. Outsourcing Accounting Services in Sydney

Adaptability is essential in Sydney’s fast-paced tech environment. Outsourcing allows internal teams to focus on innovation while professionals manage money, assuring compliance and accuracy without impeding growth.

Outsourcing provides more access to talent at competitive costs, allowing small businesses to get the expertise they require without breaking the bank.

2. Outsourcing Accounting Services in Melbourne

Melbourne businesses are recognised for being cost-conscious. Outsourcing saves significantly more money than hiring full-time accountants, freeing up capital for growth and expansion.

3. Outsourcing Accounting Services in Brisbane

Brisbane has a diverse economy that necessitates industry-specific skills.

Outsourcing connects organisations with accountants specialising in their sector, resulting in better financial management and strategic insights.

4. Outsourcing Accounting Services in Perth

Perth’s resource boom resulted in complex rules and taxes.

Outsourcing links organisations with accountants who understand these complexities, resulting in accurate reporting and increased profitability.

5. Outsourcing Accounting Services in Adelaide

Adelaide’s thriving startup culture necessitates quick-thinking and adaptable solutions.

Outsourcing provides the flexibility and scalability required for quick expansion, allowing businesses to focus on innovation and disruption.

How Does Outsourcing Accounting Benefit Small Businesses?

If you manage a startup or small business, you understand the importance of keeping correct financial records. You may also face time restrictions, an increased workload with limited resources, and a lack of funding to continue hiring onshore.

A 2023 study by Xero found that 68% of small businesses using cloud-based accounting software still struggle with data entry and categorisation.

However, small businesses that outsource accounting tasks can SAVE MONEY, IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY AND HAVE BETTER TAX COMPLIANCE, helping them keep up with their finances.

Here are the benefits of outsourcing accounting services for small businesses settled down in Australia.


Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Services for Australian SMEs

Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting Services for Australian SMEs

1. Huge Cost-Savings, Not Cutbacks

If you are hiring in major cities like Melbourne and Sydney, it will surely be a huge investment for your business.

Hiring a full-time person to complete all these responsibilities will require you to pay for wages, taxes, office equipment, and other expenses.

You will simply have to pay accounting fees using an outsourced accounting firm for the same work.

By outsourcing, you can tap into a talent pool of experts with just a fraction of the cost, and you can choose to pay from their ENGAEMNET MODELS.

2. Expertise Beyond Your Backyard

Accounting firms comprise trained accountants, bookkeepers, and tax agents with years of expertise assisting businesses.

Outsourcing your operations links you with competent accountants who are familiar with local nuances.

This ensures that your financial matters are handled precisely and in accordance with current rules and accounting standards.

3. Local Support, Global Reach

Choosing a local provider gives you the advantage of understanding your city’s distinct business environment and regulatory landscape.

But don’t be bound by geography! Many suppliers offer remote teams with global knowledge, giving you the best of both worlds.

So you would be getting both in one place; outsourcing gives you the flexibility to work with local support at a global reach.

4. Scalability and Flexibility

As your company grows, the accounting function and business operations may get more complex.

Outsourcing helps you scale your accounting and bookkeeping services according to client demands, market conditions, and new projects.

Whether you have seasonal swings or rapid development, an outsourced accounting company can adapt rapidly to match the changes, making it a more flexible option than retaining an in-house team.

5. Reduced Errors and Fraud

Professional accounting and bookkeeping services prioritise accuracy and security while handling financial data.

Outsourcing your accounting activities reduces the risk of costly errors and potential fraud, which can occur when depending entirely on internal staff.

Reputable accounting firms use strong security procedures and regulations to protect sensitive financial information, giving you peace of mind.

6. Easy Tax Compliance

As a business owner, you may forget to meet the crucial dates on the Australian tax calendar owing to job stress or other obligations.

Missing these dates may result in penalties or fines. Professional accounting organisations will ensure you meet your tax duties and penalties.

When to Outsource Accounting Services for Your Business?

There is no single RIGHT TIME for choosing outsourcing operations.

Every company has unique needs or struggles with different prospects and factors. But some signs indicate that it is the GOOD TIME to OUTSOURCE ACCOUNTING SERVICES:


When Does Your Business Need Outsourcing Services?

When Does Your Business Need Outsourcing Services

1. Struggling with Financial Tasks

If your business cannot operate daily accounting operations or is struggling to maintain the bookkeeping records, you need to outsource accounting services.

2. Lacking In House Expertise

You should consider outsourcing if you need expert assistance and your in-house team lacks expert consultation.

3. Skill Shortage

Many big cities and companies in Australia are facing the challenge of skill shortages.

Outsourcing helps you meet a global talent pool in a single place, and you don’t need to struggle with a skill shortage.

4. Focus on Core Objectives

If your focus is just your business and you don’t want to spend time with mysterious spreadsheets, accounting ledgers, or mismatched transactions, then OUTSORCING is a better option.

5. Budget Constraints

Hiring a full-time expert can cost you a lot, while outsourcing gives you the benefits of doing the same activities at a low cost.

6. AR and PR Inefficiency

If accounts receivables and payables management is becoming chaotic for your accounts department, it is the right time to outsource your AR and AP operations.

If you are going through any of these issues, you must outsource your accounting operation without giving it a second thought.

Tips on How Outsourcing Works for Your Business

Even though outsourcing is continually developing and beneficial to all firms, you must understand the best tactics for outsourcing accounting to maximise its benefits.

Tip #1: Understand your requirements – you must know exactly what type of accounting task you want to outsource. Knowing your specific requirements will allow you to select the best partner to assist you.

Tip #2: Create a budget – before hiring any accounting services, calculate the expenses and compare them to the value of the services you’ll receive.

Tip #3: Select the appropriate source – your outsourcing partner should be able to match your objectives and standards.

Tip #4: Communication is essential; investing time in your partnership will make working with an outsourced accountant easier. Provide comments and do meaningful check-in calls or meetings.

Tip #5: Set expectations – Make sure you understand and set what is expected of both parties to guarantee that quality is not compromised and that everyone’s demands are met.

Outsourcing Services Are Your True Financial Aly!

Outsourcing can be an excellent way to save time and money, but it’s important to understand its risks. But with proper research and selecting a reliable outsourcing provider, you can reduce risks while increasing benefits.

This article will work as a reputable guide for outsourcing accounting services if you’re considering outsourcing and why it is a growing trend in Australia.

This will enable you to make an informed decision regarding whether or not outsourcing is an appropriate and suitable option for your business.

How Are Accounting Outsourcing Services Driving Growth for Businesses?

Bookkeeping is regarded as the most critical activity in any corporate organisation and is crucial for companies doing business in Australia. It assists in producing reports that enable businesses to assess the organisation’s financial health. However, it is also true that bookkeeping is a cost centre for any organisation, which is why most commercial organisations frequently ignore it. Here, they make a mistake that leads to fines and legal non-compliances. It is important to remember that effective and qualified accounting aids management in timely decision-making for the company’s financial health. Hence, outsourcing services can greatly help drive growth for your business.

How Outsourcing Services Are Game Changers for Small Businesses?

Outsourcing involves utilising outside companies to undertake tasks typically carried out within an organisation with top-notch expertise. Small businesses routinely outsource payroll processing, accounting, distribution, and other crucial functions due to a need for alternative options. In order to save expenses, access professional services and increase efficiency, many big companies outsource.

In the quick-moving global market, competent bookkeeping outsourcing services will assist businesses in obtaining timely and accurate financial reports. Any significant organisation should have an internal accounting staff, but doing so requires a sizable infrastructure and ongoing expenses for the business. This is why even huge organisations, including multinational corporations, outsource their accounting tasks. Therefore, in the case of small and medium-sized firms, it is unquestionably preferable to outsource accounting to a professional service provider.

Streamline Your Accounting Tasks from Outbooks Outsourcing Services for Maximum Efficiency

Australian businesses can save a lot by outsourcing their accounting to an outsourcing services provider. Outbooks offers accounting services for Australia by accurately meeting all their accounting requirements. Since we have provided bookkeeping services to Australian businesses, we know their laws, rules, and financial policies. We provide high-quality outsourcing services with top-notch expert services to companies in Australia.

Explore the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Accounting Tasks

Explore the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Accounting Tasks

Here are all the benefits of outsourcing services of bookkeeping tasks for businesses in Australia:    

Reduce Labour Cost

Hiring and training people for short-term or unrelated initiatives can be expensive, and temporary employees are only sometimes up to par. You may direct your human resources while getting services from the outsourcing industry. It will reduce your cost as you can spend less on hiring an in-house team to manage your books.

  • Better Scalability

Businesses nowadays are highly volatile and unpredictable on a global scale. Thanks to accounting outsourcing services, they may quickly scale up or down their accounting operations, depending on their needs and market state. Businesses may need to build their specialised accounting infrastructure to utilise an outsourcing company’s experienced personnel and flexible infrastructure.

  • Improved Compliance

Outsourced bookkeepers are familiar with the latest tax laws and regulations and can help ensure your business is compliant. They can help to protect you from fines and penalties.

  • Data Protection

One of the main issues facing every commercial organisation is data security. Outsourcing companies are well-equipped technologically and are renowned for their high-security standards. To guarantee that all client data is maintained entirely safe without any risk of a data breach, all client data and information are saved on secure servers, particularly cloud servers.

  • Access to Qualified Professionals

Outsourcing service providers have highly skilled accountants with solid foundations in both taxes and accounting standards. As a result, outsourcing services can provide clients with exceptional accounting services because highly experienced accounting staff are available.

Why Outbooks is the Right Outsourcing Service Partner for Your Business

  • Outbooks delivers considerable cost savings. You can save a lot on labour costs by using Outbooks outsourcing services.
  • Outbooks can scale your accounting and bookkeeping services up or down as needed, so you don’t have to worry about overpaying for unused capacity.
  • You can streamline your business finances by choosing Outbooks as a qualified and reliable outsourced bookkeeping partner.
  • Outbooks provides a range of customisable service alternatives. You can outsource your complete accounting and bookkeeping function or a single operation, such as payroll processing or tax preparation.

To Sum Up

In Australia, Outbooks offer excellent accounting and bookkeeping outsourcing services. We provide various accounting services in Australia, such as bookkeeping, payroll, tax management, etc.

We are one of Australia’s most dependable outsourced accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll service providers. With our knowledge and skills, we can help you optimise your financial procedures and deliver accurate, timely reports for the most informed business decisions. So that you can concentrate on expanding your company and we can manage your bookkeeping needs.

When Is The “Right Time” To Outsource? 

Being a sole proprietor is a unique opportunity. You get to start your own company, establish a brand, and do everything yourself. But unfortunately, many solopreneurs choose to maintain it because they believe that adding more team members would cause complications. To outsource is a game-changing business choice.

You can’ throw a coin or select flower petals to reach a decision! It must be a strategic approach. It would help determine whether it is the right moment to outsource. Also, whether your company is prepared to do so.

Many companies have had success with outsourcing. But, the number of companies that have failed is also not insignificant. It happens because they are unsure when to outsource and whether outsourcing is the best option. Thus, the dilemma is whether to outsource or not.

So, before leaping to any conclusions about outsourcing, here is what you should ask yourself or your team.

“Is today the ideal moment to outsource?” may be one of your first queries. It is possible that you’ve been trying to scale a team for a long but haven’t been successful. Alternatively, your back-office administrative responsibilities may be putting a strain on your in-house staff. Outsourcing your non-core operations helps free up time and money for developing your company. Business executives are under pressure to balance cost and potential growth. This necessitates fulfilling rising client demands while providing the greatest goods and improving core capabilities.

Several vital signs can help determine whether outsourcing is the best answer for your problems. It all starts with evaluating the advantages of outsourcing and keeping internal departments. The idea is to figure out exactly “how” and “why” BPO will benefit your company.

So, when should you take the plunge? Here are a few typical symptoms that show that it may be time to outsource.

When should you start To Outsource?

1. You don’t have time for high-value projects.

When Is The Right Time To Outsource

If you are confronted with several low-value, tedious chores that take up too much of your time, then hiring someone to execute them is advisable. Outsourcing allows you to focus on more critical issues that have a broader influence on your business. It helps you increase your productivity. As a business owner, you must concentrate on various areas to enhance your firm. You can delegate minor and time-consuming work to independent contractors. Thus, you can hire them on a project-by-project basis at a lesser cost.

2. You want to save money

When Is The Right Time To Outsource

One of the most well-known advantages of outsourcing is cost reduction. Outsourcing firms allow you to use expert services as needed. Thus, allowing you to pay for the time you spend working and what you can afford. You can imagine how much money you’ll save if you don’t hire a full-time employee. Now, you can put this money back into your firm and get closer to your objectives.

Consider the field of accounting. Many CFOs discover that too much money is being spent on back-office chores. But these back-office requirements are critical to the organisation’s performance. In many circumstances, the accounting staff in charge is already stretched to its limits. Outsourcing is the natural next step when demand for higher output meets a need to reduce expenses.

3. Keeping up with client expectations for service is proving difficult.

When Is The Right Time To Outsource

Is it difficult for your organisation to invest in and stay current with customer service technology? Do your consumers expect help 24×7? Customers nowadays have high expectations of businesses. They want agents to be specialists and problem solvers who can handle their issues on the first call. If you discover that your staff is overworked by fulfilling demands for excellent customer service, it may be time to outsource. Many outsourcing firms feature technologies, such as cloud computing, robotics, and automation. It allows agents to give personalised and efficient support to your consumers.

4. Your company is expanding.

When Is The Right Time To Outsource

Growth is a necessary component of expansion. If your business is expanding and you’ve reached your capacity limit, you will need more help managing and improving your performance and production rate. thus, the greatest approach to keep going forward is outsourcing it to an expert in that sector.

Outsourcing firms function as collaborative partners who give operational flexibility. They provide you with a competitive advantage by optimising company operations, maintaining consistency across several locations, expanding into new foreign markets, and scaling up and down more efficiently. This allows your organisation to stay flexible and adaptable. It also helps maintain a strong emphasis on critical capabilities and excellent customer service.


Although most businesses consider outsourcing at some point, deciding whether to outsource and which services to outsource takes careful consideration. The decision to outsource or not comes down to a comprehensive assessment of your company’s needs. Whether you require virtual support for a few hours or a few months, professional outsource providers can help.

Working with a BPO solutions provider is a perfect strategy to help your organisation obtain a competitive edge. Every company’s ideal moment is different. But, if you’re experiencing the above signs, that appropriate time may be right now. The next stage is to determine which functions to outsource and then create a business case.

How Outsourcing a Bookkeeper Can Help Your Business

Bookkeeping is a crucial chore that is essential to all types of businesses. Businesses have unique requirements and problems. Bookkeeping in a business needs more than just profit and loss statements, general ledger entries, and bank reconciliations. You’ll also have to deal with delicate scenarios like international sales and merchant fees.

Having your bookkeeping services might strain your company, especially if it is just getting started. But don’t be concerned; there is a way out!

Outsourcing a bookkeeper would be the most acceptable option. Rather than hiring a costly bookkeeper, you outsource the entire function to a firm that specialises in this. Not only will you have more time to focus on and build your core line of business, but you will also be able to receive these services at a low cost. That too with reliable quality.

Definition of bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is the practice of maintaining financial records for your company. This comprises your spending, revenue, debt, and other financial obligations.

Your bookkeeper then analyses these figures and provides you with information about your overall financial situation. Your bookkeeper can help keep track of your employee costs, bad debts, and annual tax filings. All of these responsibilities come under the category of bookkeeping.

Importance of outsourcing bookkeeper

You already have enough to deal with as a business owner. You’ll need assistance if bank account reconciliation and month-end cash flow reports start to get in the way.

There are various advantages to outsourcing your business’s bookkeeping rather than recruiting in-house professionals. You can not only save money, but you can also have access to an entire team of sophisticated financial specialists rather than depending on a single individual to handle everything.

Benefits of outsourcing a bookkeeper

Here are a few reasons for outsourcing a bookkeeper for your business.

1. Reduce Accounting Expenses

Hiring a trained bookkeeper will necessitate paying their fees, salary, incentives, and other expenses. It is preferable to outsource bookkeeping services.

You’ll save money on payroll. You can engage a contract bookkeeper. Thus, she will only work as many hours as you require and can afford. You won’t throw your firm in the red by hiring a full-time employee who you don’t know what to do with all of the time.

2. Allow Yourself with some Leisure Time

When you can trust skilled service providers with your bookkeeping, you can be confident that your books will be completed precisely and that too on schedule. You can scout any other computations without needing to be concerned. Bookkeeping services offer a wide range of financial professionals on staff. This allows them to complete your task and deal with any problems quickly. This gives you extra time. Thus, you can use this to take on new jobs or finish other work!

3. Concentrate on your Core Business Plan

Managing accounts and keeping track of funds is a difficult challenge to solve. Having a bookkeeper for your business allows you to concentrate on your growth plan. They maintain track of the minor things and enter them into the accounting software.

4. Expert Assistance

When you choose to outsource your bookkeeping to a professional firm, you can rest confident that all of your books will be kept up to date. These professionals make their living by reviewing and assessing your accounts. So, you can be confident that it will be as accurate as possible.

Hundreds of professionals are available through a bookkeeping service. They can always put you in touch with someone familiar with the business industry.

5. Unbiased Guidance and Quicker Decision Making

Bookkeepers are the best people to walk you through your balance sheet, cash flow statement, and income statement. They also explain what they mean.

You may make more informed and faster company decisions with adequate professional help from a bookkeeper. This is because all financial facts and insights will be correctly provided.

6. Financial Data Control and Tax Reduction

With the right accounting software in place, a bookkeeper works with the data in the program to manage your company’s finances.

A bookkeeper can also help you figure out what costs are tax-deductible. You’ll be able to see where you may save money. It also helps lower your tax bill this way.

The day-to-day management and recording of bank transactions is the bread and butter of a professional bookkeeper. Your bookkeeper can integrate your bank statement into accounting software to monitor cash flow. Thus, saving time on manual data entry.


These outsourced bookkeepers will effectively handle your business and provide you with sensible advice and ideas. Thus, helping you improve your financial situation. With one less headache, you can finally concentrate on growing your company.

It is something you should think about. Because, after all, this method offers a lot of advantages, especially for entrepreneurs and small enterprises. So, are you ready to delegate your bookkeeping and put an end to your financial woes? Because these bookkeeping firms are prepared to take on your responsibilities immediately!

Outsource Bookkeeping – 3 Ways To Motivate Your Team Towards It

Change is indeed inevitable. When your firm grows, its number of activities increases. This translates to an increase in the cost of doing those activities too. Due to this, hiring a professional in-house can take a lot of your funds, so it’s better if you outsource those functions to an outsource bookkeeping agency. By doing so, you get the same level of experience and eligibility, but at a much lower cost.  

The absolute first issue that any business is probably going to face while choosing to outsource bookkeeping is the lack of support from staff. When you choose to outsource, it puts your staff thinking about their future and professional stability in your firm. For fruitful outsourcing, you need to take forward your workers with you.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the ways to limit the resistance from your staff members and make them aware of the new opportunities that will accompany outsourcing.

Tell them about the “vision” & “mission” of your firm 

Your workers need to firmly align with your organization’s objectives. For this, the directors should tell everybody about the “vision” & “mission” and urge workers to follow them. They should likewise communicate about the hurdles that non-core business activities like offshore accounting & bookkeeping brings to the firm. It will prompt keep them in line. It assists you with operating your business all the more adequately and proficiently.

Initiate training, teach them about new opportunities, and outsource bookkeeping 

Give them training regarding new functions and educate them about the career growth they’ll see once free-up from their tedious bookkeeping work. It is a great idea to include staff in new activities and systems. 

Employers should conduct meetings and teach workers about new business opportunities and how they can help in growth. It will improve their efficiency and assist employees with getting a handle on the new processes expected through outsourcing. It enhances their future performance and helps them focus on their skills better. 

Open communication – Outsource bookkeeping

You must have non-stop communication with your staff through different channels. You can email them, call them, or send an instant message reckoning the need to outsource. It removes errors and urges them to talk about their opinions. This activity assists with creating trust among staff and managers. It will likewise make your staff comprehend the requirement for change in current processes. 

Highlight the Positives 

Underline the advantages that outsourcing will bring. For example, reducing tedious work, a chance to zero in on core tasks, and having a professional who is there to assist them. They can free themselves from constant updates from the ATO regarding tax claims and schemes. Moreover, with outsourcing, you can save 70% of overhead costs (as per Deloitte research), in that way, you can offer perks and incentives to employees also. 

To sum up!

You can assist your staff with the understanding that outsourcing is nothing to fear about. Furthermore, it can help them better concentrate on duties they were employed to do, decrease their feelings of anxiety and make them to feel like they are being more useful. Which incidentally, makes the work environment joyful.

Outbooks offers quality bookkeeping services to accounting firms in Australia. We have a team of experienced and eligible accountants who deliver accurate results before deadlines. Get in touch with us!

Contact us on +61 451320102



Accounting Team – 5 Tips To Build A Valuable Team In 2024

Being ambitious in the present business environment indicates developing the way you work and employing talents considering that. Accounting and bookkeeping firms always complain that they can’t find and keep a decent staff. 

While the need for talented bookkeepers is occurring more than ever, the number of acceptable candidates is consistently decreasing. While senior bookkeepers leave after ageing out, others leave on their own. Further, today’s skilled graduates look for careers in different ventures.

The accounting & bookkeeping business is changing rapidly. Further, today’s individuals are seeing this industry as dull, less paid, and ailing in improvement opportunities. 

Today, the majority of impressive candidates attract towards IT companies, the marketing world, and innovative start-ups. On the other hand, the individuals who stay in accounting rely upon to work in a firm for at least 4 years. It is excessively long for some yearning recent college grads except if they’re being prepared for ownership.

Most accounting firms favour someone with a few years of experience. They need balanced bookkeepers who know tax law. Besides, someone who has an understanding of the value-added services and use numbers to drive the procedure. While misguided education policies have given rise to an excess of bookkeepers in Australia, they have less compliance knowledge and auditing skills.

How can your accounting and bookkeeping firm deal to stay reasonable in a rapidly evolving industry? Here’s a quick guide for the same.

Nurture your current geniuses 

Guide your current employees and reward them with regular incentives and development opportunities. Facing problems in offering the compensation of a bigger firm? Don’t worry, get inventive. 

Some inventive ideas include holiday leave, company lunches, gym offers, and office trips. Remember, all these are highly appreciated by employees. Further, work-from-home (WFH) is something every employee would prefer in the post-COVID world. 

Put your resources into what’s to come 

Generate more clerk-level jobs and give continuous training. While recruiting somebody with some experience appears simple, it’s likewise costlier. Xero, in its study, found that:

In 20 years, 80% of bookkeeping occupations will get automated.

However, some human interference will still hold significance.

An enormous amount of information analysis has featured a requirement for client advisory services, assisting them with figuring out what the numbers mean. The government has multiple tax obligations on the corporate world, understanding this employee will be needed.

Soft skills matter too in accounting 

Indeed, you must check the core accounting skills of the candidate while hiring. However, don’t forget the importance of soft skills. For example, problem-solving, critical thinking, leadership, and risk analysis skills are what an accountant must possess. 

Roles like client advisory and auditing require more soft skills. Thus, your employees will feel more secure and satisfied if they possess sufficient soft skills.

Evolve client-accountant relationships

With technological advancements, clients have evolved themselves too. Nowadays, they don’t just rely on your tax lodging and compliance work. They demand more from your firm. They need help in budget analyst forecasting, financial planning, business scaling rather than simple record-keeping and payroll handling.

To develop relationships, you must advise your clients about their needs and solve their queries. Keep their work on priority and engage more with them.

Outsource time-consuming tasks like accounting 

Take the support of an accomplished outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping services firm. When searching for an outsourcing supplier, pick an agency sufficiently large to take on work immediately. 

Allow one individual, like your office supervisor as a point of contact to guarantee consistency and clarity for your outsourcing group. Additionally, some outsourcing organisations will provide a free trial of their services so you can choose the best one. 

How Outbooks can help? 

Having proficiency in Australian tax laws, budgeting & forecasting, management accounts, and payment management, experts at Outbooks can set up the systems they require to begin within a few hours. Thus, overseeing most parts of the technical handover for your support. 

In case you’ve limited staff and are facing an occasional spike in your responsibilities, a 10-minute call is all it takes. 

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Record Keeping: The Only Guide You’d Need In 2024!

Record keeping is quite a complex as well as a tedious practice. Though, it is an important part of every small or large business. You need to invest time and resources in record keeping. When you don’t handle the bookkeeping precisely, it can lead to multiple errors. This includes risk mitigation, future planning obstacles, and fines. 

Record keeping is beneficial for your firm because: 

  1. It helps the company monitor its development.
  2. Allow the business to meet its compliance deadlines. 
  3. Ensuring better cash flow management. 
  4. Enable them to show their monetary situation to banks or different loan specialists.

What business records you must keep? 

As a bookkeeper, you have to keep records of your company. The types of transaction records you store relies upon the tax responsibilities of your firm and the structure of your firm. That is, whether it is sole trading, a partnership, a trust, or a company.

As per the guidelines of the Australian Taxation Office: 

  1. The records of firms can never be changed. Plus, they have to be stored in a manner that prevents the data from getting altered or the record maligned. 
  2. The firms are obliged to save most records for 5 years, beginning from when you arranged or acquired the records, or finished the transactions. 
  3. Firms must show the ATO their records whenever they request them. 
  4. The records have to be in English or ready to be effectively changed over to English.

How can a business keep records? 

The ATO always advises the business to store and prepare their records in electronic form. Because of the continuous trends emerging and new policies regarding taxes, keeping records electronically makes processes less complex for businesses. Also, using electronic tools for bookkeeping purposes can save time and money. 

When utilising accounting software for bookkeeping, the ATO doesn’t ask for paper copies unless a specific principle or regulation demands one. 

The ATO also keeps all the copies in its highly-secured and encrypted storage systems. These electronic copies of records are verified and true.

The businesses must make sure that they record everything in a safe place and conduct a timely backup. For these purposes, business owners can leverage cloud-accounting technology. With cloud storage, your employees can access the data anytime and from anywhere. 

For how long, you must keep records? 

As per the ATO, a business must keep records for at least 5 years. Various times you should hold the transaction records for more time because of multiple reasons, like – if your business had a capital gains event. 

You know ATO also offers an app named “myDeductions”. This app makes the recording of income and expense transactions safely in one place. You can also use different accounting software like – XERO and QuickBooks

How Outbooks can help? 

Businesses have to shift towards a more advanced record-keeping approach to keep up with emerging trends and government compliance. The Australian Taxation Office frequently introduces different policies to support SMBs. 

When you hand over your accounting and bookkeeping work, such as payroll management, tax filing, and boring data entry, you can get more time to focus on important client-satisfactory tasks. Our expert team will complete all your bookkeeping tasks on time with accuracy and provide you with the best results. 

Have some doubts? Reach out to us here

Bookkeeping Outsourcing – How Does It Work In 2024?

When growing your accounting practice, accurate financial records cannot be understated. Proper financial records give a good impact on businesses; otherwise, the business may collapse. That’s where outsourcing bookkeeping comes into play!

Many firms hire in-house accountants to maintain proper financial records and simultaneously pursue their company goals. But employing in-house accountants cannot be the best answer to the problem. If you are looking for the best accounting services, consider outsourcing to an experienced and reputable accounting company.

Bookkeeping outsourcing services can help save money. As in-house bookkeeping service could be expensive for your practice. You can save on extra office space, training, and hiring professionals. You are sure that your bookkeeping is in the hands of skilled and reliable professionals when you choose to outsource bookkeeping services. 

In addition, outsourcing firms provide financial advice to help you make sound business decisions. We get enough time to focus on other core operations of the practice. If you are an accountant tied with a lot of tasks, consider your option to outsource bookkeeping services to a reputable and compatible professional. 

What is Bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping refers to systematically recording and classification of the financial data of an organization in an orderly manner. It is a record-keeping function to assist in accounting activities. The most common methods of bookkeeping are the single-entry and double-entry systems. 

The main objective of bookkeeping is to maintain complete and accurate data of all the financial transactions in a systematic manner. 

What is Outsourced Bookkeeping?

Outsourced bookkeeping is a service that handles day-to-day transactions, accounts payable, accounts receivable, managing financial reporting, payroll, and many other services virtually. Accounting outsourcing companies have highly skilled professionals who offer experienced teams of experts at a lower cost. 

What are the benefits of bookkeeping outsourcing?

Following are the benefits of bookkeeping outsourcing:

  • Expert advice and knowledge of a qualified bookkeeper:

Whether you hire an in-house professional team or outsource to an outside firm, the quality of professionals is the top priority. Keeping bookkeeping in-house certainly has its own limitations- could potentially lead to knowledge gaps, which could lead to issues in the long run, thus requiring external help. On the contrary, outsourcing firms have experts who are always under training and are closer to evolving technology. 

  • Cost benefits:

For startups, cost becomes a significant factor. Outsourcing bookkeeping services can be cost-effective. There is no hassle of hiring, training a bookkeeper, and paying a salary. In-house bookkeeping makes it mandatory to look after all these expenses. But with outsourcing, you only pay for the services that you require. 

  • Peace of mind:

As a business owner, it frees up your time and looks for the opportunities to grow. And it also allows you to spend time with your family or do what you love!

  • Latest technology:

When you outsource bookkeeping, you gain access to cutting-edge technology and expertise. The use of cloud technology allows businesses to get access to real-time information anywhere and anytime to make key business decisions. The use of technology has the added benefit of allowing clients and bookkeepers to set up meetings virtually

  • Financial Reporting:

Financial reporting is distinct for each business, and it depends on many factors such as monthly transactions, industry considerations, and much more. Working with an in-house bookkeeping department might be a little problematic, as they do not have the right skill set required for a month-end report that is accurate and error-free.
While outsourcing these services can be fruitful, as they help avoid late or inaccurate financial reporting. They streamline the procedures for businesses. Financial reporting can be accurate and delivered on time with outsourced accounting companies, as they have a team of experts and trained professionals. 

  • Internal Control:

This is another important factor to consider when choosing in-house or accounting outsourcing services. When you choose in-house bookkeeping, there are chances of fraudulent activities. Sometimes, there is a discrepancy of records which when comes to notice of the business owner, it’s too late.
When it comes to outsourcing accounting services, there is a division of duties. In outsourcing firms, there are two or more professionals assigned to keep a track record of the accounts and this ensures the records are reviewed and maintained thoroughly without any discrepancies. 

  • Ensure quality work:

Getting the work done timely, doesn’t mean compromising on the quality of work. An outsourcing firm has qualified and trained professionals in its team. They believe in building long-term relationships by delivering the highest quality of work delivered is their primary goal. 

Outsourcing bookkeeping can help you in the following ways:

  • It reduces the risk of fraud
  • It’s the most affordable choice
  • Outsourced accounting services provide a higher quality of work and access to expertise. 
  • It helps save you time and maximize your profits 

How do outsourcing bookkeeping services work?

Bookkeeping can be a tedious and stressful task. This includes accounts payable, accounts receivables, logging expenditures and receipts, and tracking profits and loss.
You can either hire an in-house bookkeeper to perform the task which can be relatively an expensive affair. Or you may outsource bookkeeping services in the hands of the expert who will perform the tasks by telecommuting electronically.
Once you have finalized a reputed outsourced company you wish to outsource to, you must communicate with them online. A dedicated account manager will then deliver your accounting documents and reports to you electronically spending on the specified contract. 

First and foremost, you need to grant access to your client’s financial information such as bank and credit card statements, payroll, tax documents, online bill pay, receipts, and everything related to your business finances.

Next, you need to set mutual expectations such as what you want him to work on every day? What information do you want when the month ends? How often you want to communicate and other such important questions to ensure both of you are on the same page. 

Lastly, communication is key. So you need to communicate your goals and how you want them to process the bookkeeping function. In what form you need financial reporting, what software are they going to use?


Outsourcing offshore accounting services can be the best-suited option for your practice. It is more efficient and reliable than the in-house department. Some still prefer to have a dedicated in-house bookkeeper who sits and goes through everything on a daily basis. But at the end of the day, it’s your call on how you want to run your practice. 

It is essential to put your focus on growing your practice and attracting new clients, meeting the needs of your clients and maintaining good relationships, and leaving the burden of dealing with your client’s business finances to an outsourced bookkeeping service

Accounting Outsourcing Companies – Interesting Facts & Figures

The accounting landscape is shifting, driven by automation, cloud adoption, and outsourcing trends. Learn 5 key tips to build a high-value accounting team in this dynamic environment.

The current pandemic situation has made a shift to working paradigms, automation of processes, and acceleration of digital transformation. A lot of accounting outsourcing companies have adapted to this paperless practice while remotely working from home. This advancement in accounting technologies has made processes more systematic and transparent.

More and more companies are looking for cost-efficient ways to manage certain business processes externally. This gives rise to accounting outsourcing companies. By outsourcing, businesses can free up their time to focus on the core capacities of the business. Thus, businesses will eventually get benefitted by getting to run their company efficiently. Furthermore, bookkeeping outsourcing is a great source to reduce overhead costs for your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Automation and cloud technology are revolutionizing accounting, making outsourcing more attractive.
  • Data security, cloud accounting expertise, and compliance knowledge are crucial for modern accounting teams.
  • Outsourcing repetitive tasks frees up resources to focus on core functions and gain access to specialized skills.

Some facts and figures about accounting outsourcing companies

  • 29% of businesses with 50 or fewer employees are less likely to outsource compared to 66% of businesses with more than 50 employees.
  • The top challenge faced by small businesses when outsourcing is a lack of cash flow or capital, followed by difficulty in marketing and advertising.
  • Around 78% of businesses are feeling positive about their outsourcing relationships.
  • The use of advanced technologies to automate tedious business processes.
  • Use of cloud computing software to access secure, real-time information.
  • Acquisition of skill sets to complement existing ones

Accounting Outsourcing Trends

Here are three trends that are shaping the world of outsourcing.

Data security

Accounting practices will be regulated and monitored to ensure adequate protection of clients’ data. Further, the organisations will be required to take quick measures to safeguard against data thefts, hacks, and violations of data privacy. Additionally, data security laws are set to be tightened, and organisations should take strict action against sources that breach valuable data.

The main task for most accountants is to prioritise data security while dealing with clients. They will need to take more important steps. This includes becoming Australian privacy Principles Compliant and achieving Cyber Essentials accreditation to preserve and protect clients’ data. They will need to ensure compliance with the Privacy Act 1988. It’s Australia’s principal law to protect the personally identifiable information (PII) of individuals. 

Cloud accounting

Cloud accounting has integrated itself into most of the commonly used accounting practices. It enhances the user experience in the accounting world. Further, it not only encourages mobility and simplifies remote work but also offers a wide range of benefits. To list a few, enhanced security and advanced data recovery options.

The simplicity of use and ready accessibility make it even more attractive for accountants and firms. It will help establish smooth relations with clients by enabling collaborations and promoting transparent operations.

With the help of cloud accounting, there is a significant rise in outsourcing accounting services at a low cost. Therefore, cloud accounting provides an easy way to access financial records in real-time. Besides, it provides bookkeeping services at a cheaper rate.

Compliance work

Automation has replaced a majority of manual processes in the accounting industry. It is a very efficient method. However, it elevates the need for better compliance mechanisms. Thus, accountants using this new method must ensure that they conform to the regulations prescribed by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB). 

Top reasons for outsourced accounting services

  • More than 50% cut costs
  • 47% solve capacity issues
  • 28% gain access to talent capital 
  • 57% focus on core functions
  • 31% enhance the quality of services
  • 28% answer a critical business need 
  • 17% manage the business environment 
  • 17% expand and speed up organisational transformation

Choose high-value accounting services

Building a valuable accounting team in 2024 requires embracing technology and specialization. Prioritize data security, cloud accounting expertise, and compliance knowledge. Consider outsourcing repetitive tasks to gain access to specialized skills and focus on core functions.

Outsourcing is not just about using an external service provider to complete repetitive, time-intensive duties such as payroll and bookkeeping. The new breed of outsourced accounting services access to more advanced specialist skill sets. This makes practices stand out from the competition and accentuate their core services. 

Businesses and practices choose outsourced bookkeeping services for tons of benefits. But the major benefit is cost-efficiency. 

Outsourcing Payroll Services – Top 8 Reasons To Choose In 2024!

Outsourcing payroll services is a preferred choice amongst many Australian businesses, whether big or small, due to its following 8 advantages.

According to a report by the Australian Payroll Association –

It is estimated that 24.7% of all Australian businesses and 37.08% of Australian SMEs with less than 200 employees are now operating under an outsourced payroll model.

The biggest advantage of payroll outsourcing is that it maximises ROI, lowers risk, and is immensely easy and quick to implement. 

Symptoms of poor payroll practices

There are typically three major things that contribute to errors in the payroll process.

  • People
  • Technology
  • Processes

Highly skilled payroll professionals are in great demand in Australia. However, they are very hard to retain. Additionally, such professionals are equally hard to attract at the same time. Most payroll processes contain errors because the person processing the payroll function lacks knowledge, required skills, and training. 

Symptoms of Poor Payroll Processes and Systems That Need Improvement

  • There is a significant amount of manual work involved.
  • Managers and Employees complain of errors and delays. 
  • Frequent off-cycle payments are being made to fix errors. 
  • Information is not easily available, and reporting doesn’t provide any valuable insights. 

If your payroll resembles any of these above symptoms, it’s time to think about outsourcing your payroll to a third-party provider. 

8 Main Drivers of Outsourced Payroll Services in Australia

1. Pay compliance 

Australia is a very complex myriad of laws governing employment at both State and Federal levels. They cover:

  • Workers compensation,
  • Superannuation,
  • Taxation (including fringe benefits),
  • Jury duty,
  • Minimum pay rates,
  • Termination of employment,
  • Minimum terms and conditions, 
  • Record keeping,
  • Public holidays,
  • Leave entitlements, and
  • Privacy.

The Fair Work Act is the primary piece of legislation governing employment in Australia, with Modern Awards stipulating a safety net of pay and conditions in different occupations and industries and the enforcement of obligations under the act and Modern awards is with the Fair Work Ombudsman. 

The Fair Work Ombudsman is now targeting directors, franchisors, HR professionals, accountants, and payroll officers to make them potentially liable to prosecution in the event of any contraventions of the Fair Work Act by their franchise or business. To ensure payroll compliance, businesses and franchises now have to prevent damaging compliance arising issues such as workplace advice and provisioning payroll or partnering with payroll service providers. 

Thus, it is best to outsource your payroll to third-party providers so that you get access to specialised expertise to solve pay compliance queries. Further, they will give you the best advice on practice approaches in managing payroll. 

2. Risk management

In addition to managing pay compliance, other risks to manage are errors, fraud, security, and key person loss. Payroll fraud can cost businesses a lot of money. It can rise in several ways, such as inflating time or rates, ghosting, and redirecting funds. Also, it commonly occurs where there’s a lack of control in places such as when there is more than one person involved in auditing and payroll processing. Small businesses usually do not have resources for both controls. 

To overcome these risks, businesses are partnering with payroll outsourcing firms. 

3. Save time

Payroll is a tedious and complex task. If one person is managing the payroll process, it poses a huge burden on the individual or team who have their hands full. This makes it best to outsource payroll services in the hands of the experts while the team focuses on the core activities of the business. When you outsource payroll services to a third-party provider, you can focus more on other responsibilities that come along in running and growing your business. 

4. Save money

Other than just being the costs of in-house payroll staff, you also have to cover other overhead costs such as financing in-house payroll resources (salaries and on-costs), administrative overheads, ongoing training, and recruitment costs. Businesses can save significant payroll processing costs up to 50% of the costs when they outsource payroll services.  

5. Better utilisation of technology 

Many businesses now outsource technology so that they don’t have to invest in new technology for in-house purposes. This becomes important when that technology doesn’t relate to their core business activities. Cloud-based systems have added the cost of maintaining in-house systems much less. New features in the payroll system now include time and attendance with real-time costing against pay conditions including awards, smart rostering tools, self-service for employers and managers. 

6. Focus on your core business 

Instead of focusing on payroll processing, businesses can shift their focus on the growth of their business by outsourcing payroll processes. This is because outsourcing payroll providers are experts who handle the payroll function efficiently. 

7. Improves security

Outsourced payroll service providers deal with the latest technology(s) to handle payroll functions. This eliminates the hurdle of security. Hence, to become managing pay compliance, finding a good payroll service provider is the key where your data is secured and there is no loss of theft.

8. Simplifies reporting and reduces redundancy

Payroll outsourcing services offer complete transparency and accurate information at the time of reporting. In addition to this, they also reduce redundancy by improving the efficiency and quality of work delivered. Therefore, outsourcing payroll offers greater benefits and is the most preferred choice compared to the in-house payroll function. 

Outsourcing payroll services to third-party providers will ensure compliance and give you peace of mind at less cost compared to in-house staff. 

Connect with Outbooks to outsource your payroll services.

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